TAQ Constitution
- Include a mission statement into the constitution as included below.
- Delete any reference to specific country from the constitution, except in the case of human right violations and stateless Tamils. This situation exits only for the Tamils in Sri Lanka. Thus, we need to have a clause for this specific purpose. Otherwise, this will strongly support our activities in support of the plights of the Tamil people in Sri Lanka.
- Include refined objective into the constitution
- Delete specific operational activities in line with the refined objectives of the Association
Tamil Association Queensland Inc. is a community based non-profit organization, representing Tamils from India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Singapore and other countries. The Association aims to help the Tamil members and the general community with social, cultural, employment, education and training opportunities and encourage them to achieve their full societal and individual outcomes, inter-community relationships and satisfaction.
The specific objectives of the Association include the following:
- Provide social, cultural, sporting, educational, welfare and services to the Tamil and the general community members in Queensland.
- Help the Tamil community members become aware of employment opportunities and issues and encourage them to develop their occupational skills in Australia.
- Undertake intercommunity based projects for local, state and commonwealth governments and other funding agencies.
- Encourage the members to become involved in collective participation, decision making and executing actions that would lead to continuous development and improvement in inter-community development and welfare activities.
- Protect and preserve the social, economic and cultural identities of the Tamil community in Queensland.
- Assist new Tamil migrants to settle down in Queensland and lead them to their quest for job or job related training.
- Help Tamil students with school related curricula and extra curricular activities.
- Guide the members in their endeavor to integrate with the Australian society and to become proud Australians.
- Provide and assist in projects designed to improve the socio-economic conditions of members and the general community.
- Print and publish news letters, periodicals, or leaflets and broadcast information that is deemed important for the members and the general community.
- Maintain a library of Tamil books, audio and video materials and equipment for the members.
- Organise educational and cultural classes, workshops and seminars and other relevant activities for the members and the general community.
- Celebrate events of cultural and social significance in Australia.
- Nurture multiculturalism and harmony among the members of all ethnic backgrounds.
- Highlight the plight of Tamil people who are persecuted in any countries and lobby among the Australian governments and non-government agencies to take appropriate actions to help those affected people.
- Contribute to the multicultural activities supported by at local, state and commonwealth governments.
- Undertake activities to meet the needs and interest of future and young members of the Queensland Tamil community.
We would like to achieve unity among the Tamil community in Queensland. Unity for common purpose, unity for raising the plight of the Tamils around the world, unity for cultural and social functions and unity to embark on our identity in Queensland as peace loving and dedicated community minded Queenslanders. We know now how urgent is that we have to unite the Tamil community around our respective causes.